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Friday, May 10, 2013

Why I Blog.

I was asked this question recently,
Why do I blog?
I blog for a lot of reasons.
I started blogging,
with the hope that my sharing my story
would inspire others.
I felt I was holding on to a story that was not meant to be hidden away.
It is a journey that must be shared.
God gave me this story.
I was not only choosing to let go of my story,
but the bitterness and hurt that went with it..
..It is a story that one day, I pray might help that one person out there..
I told myself, that even if I can inspire that one single person, my goal was achieved.
And I don't know if it has happened yet..
But I will keep on regardless.

I also keep blogging because of the encouragement I receive from the readers,
that's you.
Thank you,
It is because of you that I keep sharing my journey.
You are the reason, and no greater reason than that.

These words I write come from my heart.
This is all that I can offer,
the words from my soul.
You might tell me I have it all together, and I would laugh.
I do not claim to be perfect and this blog is not perfect.
But this is who I am, 
completely real.
No apologies.

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  1. I recently stumbled upon your blog, I was an instant follower. You have a beautiful heart.

  2. Ahh, I also love blogging. When people ask me why I do it, I can't tell them exactly why. But like you, I see it as a release too. :)

    BTW, found you on the blog hop. I'd love it if you can drop by mine and leave a comment on my latest:

    1. Thanks, Abigail. I will be sure to check it out!
