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Friday, May 24, 2013

Life is Sweet.

I cannot imagine how much I am going to spoil my own kids one day,
as much as I enjoy spoiling these two cuties below.

I took them to get frozen yogurt at Sweet Frogs..
and of course I let my one year old niece get her own!
She got it all down the front of her face and clothes, and it was adorable.
I'm sure some folks around me thought I was crazy for taking pictures while I watched
her make a mess, but I didn't care!
How could you not want to capture this moment!

These two remind me of how sweet life really is!
..just like frozen yogurt,
It can get a little messy at times,
Not every flavor is my cup of tea,
some a little sweeter than others,
but with the right toppings,
simply wonderful.

Oh, before I forget!...Go Spurs Go!
My S.A. Spurs are up in the NBA Western Conference Finals!

I hope everyone has an amazing Memorial Day weekend!
And a huge thanks to all the Veterans out there, and some that I am blessed to call friends!

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  1. Oh my goodness what adorable little hambones. I love seeing these photos. The joy seen in the eyes of kiddos, you can't find that purity anywhere else. In those moments you know that there is good in the world. Those little bits all covered in sticky messes are what make the world go round. Spoil away, wrap yourself in the happy and let everything else drift out of your mind. Thanks for the smile.


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