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Friday, March 29, 2013

A 5 Year Old's Perspective on Easter

I was driving my precious niece to school this morning.
We were having our usual intellectual conversation.
She is one of the smartest 5 year olds I know..but I'm not bias in any way.
I asked her if she knew what Easter was all about...
(I wish you could hear her say it with the most empathetic voice possible, soft and sweet)
Her answer exactly,
"Well, Jesus..he died for us."
"He did, Emma", I reply. Then I exclaim,
"But guess what? He actually came back to life on Easter!"
Her eyes grow in amazement.
I answer, "Yes, really!"
And this was the best part of the conversation.
A statement to top all statements!
This 5 year old tells me,
"God must really love us."
"You're right", I say, "He does."
And there you go, a 5 year old's perspective on Easter.
It doesn't get much better than that.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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  1. wow your niece is a smart little muffin. this story melted my heart.

    Love Me to Pieces
