All Sets in.
Crashing in
all at once I cry for God to take it away.
was the hardest day.
As Papaw and
I drove home from dinner we reminisced.
I drive as I
see him weep for his love.
The hurt is
so deep it takes my breath away.
I try
sucking back the tears but they flow instead.
I wept.
I know I am
missing a big piece of our puzzle and it will never be complete
Until we see
her in another world.
The moments
of longing feel like an eternity. This has been the longest month of my life.
I miss
I miss her
so much my heart feels like it will explode.
Last night
my mind was wrapped around our last moments.
I thought of
Jesus and how He brought Lazarus back from the dead.
To have that
I would do
or give anything to have her back here.
Take it all God,
everything I have.
I would
sacrifice it all even for a few more minutes with her.
God has
given me dreams.
I have
Twice I have
had her in my dreams.
Last night’s
dream I clung to her.
I cried desperately
in my dream, holding onto her like I never wanted to let go.
I begged her
to never leave me….it was so vivid.
It was as
real as you and me.
Grief is unexplainable.
I wish I
could say it gets easier.
All I want is
for things to be as they once were.
Aeron I lost my grandfather almost three years ago. Cancer. He was the best grandparent I could've had. He was kind, quiet, funny, and loving. I still miss him but it has gotten easier. I still think about him but now I can smile remembering the good things about him. It really will get easier.