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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Adopted By God (National Adoption Day)

Happy National Adoption Day!
It is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving, how appropriate.

November is actually National Adoption Month.

If anything today, please watch the video at the bottom from Steven Curtis Chapman.
He tells his story behind the incredible song he wrote called, "When Love Takes You In".
It is touching.

Let me first introduce you to my first adopted child.
This precious little girl is Brady.

I received this precious girl through World Vision while at Women of Faith.
Of course, she is not really my adoptive child. I just send some dinero every month, and a letter every now and then. I like to believe my small contribution provides Brady a little bit of a better life.

Adoption, what a wonderful and beautiful thing.

It was just last week that a friend shared with me a chapter in the Bible, that speaks of adoption.
How opportune, being National Adoption Month (It was a God thing).
A huge thank you to my friend!

I honestly, had no recollect of adoption in the Bible.
There it was, in black and white.
 Romans chapter 8.

Paul writes, "So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Father.” (Romans 8:15)

(I could highly elaborate...but
I am going to keep it short and sweet, since you need to watch Steven's video.)

The spiritual adoption takes place at the time we become saved.
Think of yourself being baptized in a court room.

Like an earthly father who initiates an adoption, God initiates the adoption,
by planting a seed inside of us,  the desire to belong to his family.

We also need someone to testify. Guess what? We have not one, but two testimonies!
The Holy Spirit testifies along side our renewed spirit.

If you are adopted by an earthly father, you take on his name and become your father's heir. 
It would be no different than being their biological child. If the father has biological children, they are now your brothers or sisters, even though you do not share the same DNA.

The same goes for God.
Now adopted by God, we are his 'true son and genuine heir', in no way different
from Jesus Christ.
God is our father and Jesus our big brother!
Pretty stinkin' cool, if you ask me.

Please take time to listen to Steven's moving testimony on the adoption of his daughter.
It is a sweet and funny ten minute video, well worth a moment of your day.

His story behind the song, "When Love Takes You In"

Here is the link to his music video, featuring his daughter:

Ephesians 1:5
"he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will"

Once again, Happy National Adoption Day!

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