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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thank You, Lord.

I don't even know where to begin. It has be eons since I have seen a computer and suffered the loss of an unwritten blog. My life has taken many twists and turns the past 3 months my head is spinning. I am finally getting into somewhat of a routine and am thankful.

I come to you, the reader, today with a grateful heart. I want to spend this time just thanking God. I believe it is crucial to say a special prayer everyday telling Him all the many blessings He has created in my life. It seems when things are going good I forget to tell Him how very grateful I am...I honestly hate that I do this. I am learning to be grateful and content no matter the circumstances and praise Him through it all.

I challenge you all to write down ten things today that you are thankful for and be sure and thank the big man upstairs.

Here are mine, in no particular order...

1. My faith.
2. Family.
3. Friends.
4. Home.
5. Church Family.
6. Job
7. Health
8. Vehicle
9. His Love
10. Understanding

Friday, October 11, 2013


Born Again (ft. Lacey Mosely) by Third Day on Grooveshark

Do you ever have that dream where you are falling, and right before you hit the ground you wake up? That feels like my life, but in reverse. I have already fallen, and I am being lifted back towards God, but right before I am back on the cliff something jolts and I start falling back towards Earth again.
This is my nightmare.
I cannot seem to fully reach God. I want to be standing on the mountain next to Him, my arms stretched wide, saying I made it.
My problem is instead of allowing Him to lift me I try to start climbing this big mountain, called life, alone. It is the control problem I have. I just cannot give it up. Though He humbles me everytime. I get caught up in my abilities, not His, and gravity pulls me down.

Gravity is inevitable. Gravity keeps us from climbing the mountain. Can it be defied? Yes, but only with the power and strength that is not possessed alone. I get it, finally.

I know i am not the only one. Some might think they can do it alone but when they reach the top of their mountain there will be not anyone welcoming them home. They will realize they were climbing the wrong mountain all along. Some might just give up and choose to sit in the valley. Some might not even understand gravity, or even know it exists. Can they see their is a huge mountain to climb? Will they wonder of the beauty on the other side of the mountain? Will they see hope, faith, and trust there is more?If only they knew how beautiful the view is from the top. It is what I fear. I want to tell them that gravity can be defied. That life is absolutely beautiful from the Top. I want them to see what I see. To understand life beyond this valley. I want them to be Born Again.

Matthew 28:19 Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Amy Grant / Better Than A Hallelujah by Josh Wilson on Grooveshark
I woke up yesterday with the biggest smile on my face. That says a lot because I was on my way to run 14 miles with my mom. We are training for the Dallas Marathon. It was a cool, crisp morning and absolutely perfect running weather. At mile 12 something came over me. I felt empowered. It is the feeling God gives me when I run. Another reason why I DO run. People who hate running do not understand why we runners do crazy things like run marathons. It is hard to explain. It isn't because we are crazy, it is something much more. It is the feeling of accomplishment. The knowing that God can give you such a strength to run the distance.
We had a great run {my mom is a rockstar by the way} and she always pushes me. I am so blessed that God has put people in my life who constantly push me to be better, in all aspects of my life. Yesterday I had a dear friend tell me that when down she reads my blog. I continuously forget what a difference encouragement can make. I had been contemplating not blogging anymore, but after she shared that with me I knew there was not an option. So I will continue to write and share what great things God is doing in my life...
I will push myself and continue to push others as long as I breathe.

Do you have that one person in your life who encourages you? I want to push each of you to be that person today? Encourage one person today. Send them a note, a text, an email. Let them know you love them, that they're noticed, encourage them, push them!
Ephesians 4:29
Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk [ever] come out of your mouth, but only such [speech] as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace (God’s favor) to those who hear it.
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Thursday, October 3, 2013

I don't believe in coincidence..

I don't believe in coincidence.
I chose a verse this morning to write on my whiteboard at school for these kids to read,
it was Matthew 22:39, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.
I like to show a motivational video everyday at the first of class.
I did not finish watching the video until I showed it to the kids.
I was speechless when I saw the verse at the end of the video.
Some would say it was a coincidence...
but I know better.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why I'm Tested

Feels Like Today by Rascal Flatts on Grooveshark
Something came very clear to me today.. When I am going through a hard time I say, well God is testing me. I agree that we are tested, it is what strengthens us. And it is the endurance we build in those times that keeps us going. But I just had one profound thought.... The testing of our faith is not so God can see where we are. God already knows where our faith is and where our faith will be tomorrow. The testing of our faith is so that WE can realize how strong our faith is.
James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
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