It was my first marathon.
I had never ran 26.2 miles.
I began the race full of excitement that I was taking on this challenge.
And I had a stomach full of butterflies!
I was completely new to such an experience, but I had my cousin was running it with me.
A half marathon was more familiar to us and I knew it would be the easiest part of the race.
This first 6 miles was just the warm-up.
At mile 10, realization finally set in when the half-marathoners split off to the right and we kept straight.
There was no going back.
This is also when I lost my cousin.
I knew I would not be able to locate her in the massive pack that continued like a stampede.
I looked forward and kept running, realizing I was now going at this alone...
(But I was not going at it alone.)
At mile 15 a surprising unassurance came over me. I knew that my body would carry me to mile 20, but could I run the last 6.2 miles? At the steady pace I was carrying?
Up ahead of me I noticed a group of guys running together, one of them holding a sign.
It was a pace group.
Pace groups are there if you want to finish at a certain time.
I thought, 'Oh! there is the 4 hour 30 minute pace group.'
But my eyes had deceived me, as I etched closer the sign's numbers stood out as if it were a neon sign in the dark..
4:00 estimated finish.
Should I slow down?
Two things went streaking through my head:
1. I had extremely underestimated my ability to run the race at this pace.
2. At mile 20 I would fall over and be left for the buzzards.