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Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Found Him In Running

I first started running to stay in shape, but instead, I found God.
He chose running to be one of the the places he revealed himself to me. In our quiet time together, on my feet, the God of my family and friends became my God.
It was on the runner's path that my relationship with God became intimate.
We developed a friendship which grew bigger than church and became deeper than it had before I hit the pavement.
Hebrews 12:1
 ....And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life Is A Marathon

It was my first marathon.
I had never ran 26.2 miles.
I began the race full of excitement that I was taking on this challenge.
And I had a stomach full of butterflies!

I was completely new to such an experience, but I had my cousin was running it with me.
A half marathon was more familiar to us and I knew it would be the easiest part of the race.
This first 6 miles was just the warm-up.
At mile 10, realization finally set in when the half-marathoners split off to the right and we kept straight.
There was no going back.
This is also when I lost my cousin.
I knew I would not be able to locate her in the massive pack that continued like a stampede.
I looked forward and kept running, realizing I was now going at this alone...
(But I was not going at it alone.)

At mile 15 a surprising unassurance came over me. I knew that my body would carry me to mile 20, but could I run the last 6.2 miles? At the steady pace I was carrying?

Up ahead of me I noticed a group of guys running together, one of them holding a sign.
It was a pace group.
Pace groups are there if you want to finish at a certain time.
I thought, 'Oh! there is the 4 hour 30 minute pace group.'
But my eyes had deceived me, as I etched closer the sign's numbers stood out as if it were a neon sign in the dark..

4:00 estimated finish.
Should I slow down?

Two things went streaking through my head:
1. I had extremely underestimated my ability to run the race at this pace.
                                          2. At mile 20 I would fall over and be left for the buzzards.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

26.2 Verses to Run With

I wish this was an original idea, but I stole the idea from another runner's blog..but I just had to share. It seemed pretty fitting, with all my nerves and excitement for the big Marathon on Sunday!
I wish I could tattoo all of these on my arm!... or maybe have it going through my headphones after each mile. I have highlighted a few of my faves.

Mile 1: Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of age. Matthew 28:20

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not Just a Good Book

Have you ever realized you are avoiding someone or something with the fear of facing a hard truth? It is like steering clear of a scale, because you might not like what it will read when your feet hit it. The real truth is I is there, the weight (the hard truth) whether you choose to acknowledge it or look away. It will hit you, hard, even if you try to avoid it.

I recently watched "Book of Eli" with Denzel Washington. It is such an incredible movie. I highly recommend it for a time when you are wanting to watch something with substance.

Stop here if you have not seen the movie...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Only Comfort I Can Give

As I sat there, in the hotel room with my friend who was suffering unbearable pain, I was at a loss for words. All I wanted to do was take away the pain. But I truly know I cannot do it, not alone at least. I alone cannot provide the comfort that He can.

I would not say life has been rainbows and butterflies, but I have been fortunate to not know the feeling of losing someone close to me, especially a parent.

Friday when I got the news that my sweet friend's dear father had passed, unexpectedly, I might add..was crushing. I was completely and utterly heartbroken.

Coincidently and devastatingly that is my second friend to lose their dad in a two month span...almost to date.

...and this special friend, also lost her grandfather, exactly three weeks ago.

That is when I start to ask, why God?!

I know life isn't easy, but I wished with all my being, I could soak up the pain for her. I would almost rather be hurting myself, than WATCH a friend suffer.

I feel tested.

How do I give comfort.

In these times of trials. I am learning.